Could a small dog, like the Shih Tzu pictured above, be your perfect dog?

Pros and Cons

Small dogs are easy to care for. More often than not, they need less exercise than large dogs, less food, and their vet bills cost less. But, with all that there are some cons. Unlike the larger dogs, small dogs will rarley go for runs with you for long periods of time, rarely play in the snow with you for two hours, and almost never swim in lakes with you. Small dogs were mainly bred as lapdogs, so they can be easier to care for, (and sometimes cuter), but they are almost always not as fun. However, these dogs can be incredibly conveniant for people who live in apartments or condos, because they don't need as much space.

Common Breeds of Small Dogs

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are small fluffy dogs.


Dachshunds are hot dog shaped dogs with small legs, and long heads.


Maltese are small white dogs with droopy ears

Bichon Frise

Bichons are like Maltese, but are a bit bigger.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

A smaller version of a Cocker Spaniel

West Moorland Terrier (Westie)

A Maltese-like dog with pointy ears

Yorkshire Terrier (Yorkie)

A long haired, silky dog.